Sustainability commitment

At Sekan Studio, we are committed to acting responsibly in both the operation and development of our business.

Therefore, we will work systematically and dedicatedly with responsibility by integrating due diligence for sustainability into our business processes.

This commitment is based on internationally recognized principles (the OECD's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN's Guidelines for Human Rights and Business), which are necessary to achieve sustainable development. This includes human rights, labor rights, environment (including climate and biodiversity) and anti-corruption.

In our work with due diligence for sustainability, we will map and assess where we as a company have the most significant potential negative impacts on people, the environment and society in our supply chains. We will address the potential and actual negative impacts that we cause, contribute to or are connected to through our business relationships, such as our suppliers.

We will involve our suppliers and other relevant organizations/persons in the implementation of due diligence for sustainability.

Since the work with responsibility is a continuous process, we will continuously develop our approach and efforts in connection with due diligence for sustainability.

This commitment has been approved by management, is available on our website and is communicated both internally and externally.

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